Re: A86: help! Printing a varible
Re: A86: help! Printing a varible
_dispahl ($4a33) will display the number in ahl to the screen
_dispOP1 ($515b) will display op1 to the screen
_putmap will put the char in a
_putc will do the same, but update the cursor
_puts will display the string at (hl)
_putps will display the string at (hl) using a leading length byte
_vputmap will display the char in a using the small font
_vputs will display the string at (hl) using the small font
_vputsn will display b chars at (hl) using the small font
On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:17:51 EST writes:
>Okay, maybe I'm just clueless, but I can't seem to get the value
>stored to
>either a register or a memory address to print to the screen... can
>please tell me how to go about doing that. Does it use the OP1 stuff;
>cause I
>haven't learned up on that either.
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