Re: A86: Using Table
Re: A86: Using Table
In a message dated 14/12/98 19:24:41 Pacific Standard Time,
<< I'm trying to adapt the usage of a table, as discussed recently in the
Efficiency Problem thread, to my program. It's eventually going to be
generating a random (but weighted) number, and retriving the data
to that number in a table. However, I guess I really don't understand the
concept behind this, so what's wrong with this? How should I use the table?
I guess that since starting that thread, and having found new and interesting
ways to use tables in my program, I'll try and answer this. :)
> #include ""
> #include asm86.h
> .org _asm_exec_ram
> call _clrLCD
> ld a,2
Tables are most useful when you load them from a value, like ld a,($F600) but
for the sake of argument, you're looking for number three of the series here.
Yes, number three. The first value is zero.
> ld hl, table
Save this for later.
> add a,a
> ld e,a
> ld d,0
Put the ld hl,table here, it's easier.
> add hl,de
> call $33
This is probably your problem. I had to look up the equate in Asm Studio's
help file, and it's worked:
_ldhlind .equ $4010 ;ROM Call
So change that line to call _ldhlind
> call _puts
> table:
> .dw one
> .dw two
> .dw three
It's much easer to do Table: .dw one,two,three
> one:
> "one",0
If you prefer this to one: "one",0 then go ahead. I personally find it easier
to see more if it's all on the same line. (Then again, my game has a TON of
text! :)
> two:
> "two",0
> three:
> "three",0
> .end >>
Mostly, I think that's right. Just call a _puts to put that on the screen, and
change the _ldhlind equate. That's probably your problem.