Re: A86: Re: Ports
Re: A86: Re: Ports
Yeah, it kind of bugged me. In other side scrollers, like Super Mario
Brothers (the real version, hehe, good 'ol 6502), jump height depends on how
long you hold down the button. It doesn't really matter in the "official"
Sqrxz levels, but I was playing some strange user levels (where they did
funky stuff like putting portcullis' out in the open without walls above
them) and jumping full height made it harder. But it's not much of a big
deal, Sqrxz still beats Mario.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmy Mårdell <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, December 11, 1998 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: A86: Re: Ports
>At 21:08 1998-12-10 -0600, you wrote:
>>and the flag is still set, don't jump. When the player releases the jump
>>button, reset the flag. In Sqrxz, this doesn't happen. However, a gripe
>>about the Sqrxz jumping is that you always jump the full height, even if
>>just tap the button.
>Ah - you think that's annoying? Never thought about that myself actually.
>Real name: Jimmy Mårdell
>Icarus Productions homepage: