Re: A86: Efficiency Problem Part II
Re: A86: Efficiency Problem Part II
In a message dated 12/11/98 7:17:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> I am wasting TONS of space in my program with the data. Why? I am using
> spaces
> to complete lines, and I know there has to be a more efficient way of
> displaying this stuff. The following is all the strings that have what is
> probably wasted bytes in them because they use spaces to finish off a line.
> Is
> there a word wrap routine that can save me all this space?
ld hl,message
ld b,4 ;4 lines to display
call display_loop ;display those 4 lines
;,,,other code
call _puts ;display line
push hl ;save hl
call _newline ;go to next line
pop hl ;retrieve hl
djnz display_loop ;keep going until b=0
ret ;return