Re: A86: Re: Efficiency Problem
Re: A86: Re: Efficiency Problem
In a message dated 12/10/98 8:39:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> >> then do this:
> >> ld a,(Weapon)
> >> ld hl, table
> >
> >I don't understand from here...
> >> add a,a
> >> ld e,a
> >> ld d,0
> >> add hl,de
> >to here. What does this do? I'm guessing it has something to do with
> getting
> >the pointer into hl? But why is de in there?
> >
> >> call _ldhlind
> >
> >
> >>
> >> and hl will point to the right string
> >>
> you have a table of pointers, each pointer being two bytes each, so you
> multiply the weapon number by two (add a,a) and put it into de to add it to
> hl (the table pointer). Then you have a pointer to the pointer of the
> string in hl so you call _ldhlind, which does, effectually: ld hl,(hl)
Dang! Assembly makes some glorious sense sometimes! It all makes sense when
you know what it all means. :) BTW, what *IS* the difference between call
_ldhlind and ld hl,(hl)? Is it just that there is no opcode for ld hl,(hl)?