Re: A86: ASM Programming Test - div 3
Re: A86: ASM Programming Test - div 3
>David Phillips wrote:
>> I spent about a day trying to figure this out. It's not possible. To
>> divide by shifting requires at least a 16 or 32 bit fixed-point number, and
>> it still comes out a little too bit too small (reference: "More Tricks of
>> the Game Programming Gurus").
Shift routines work just fine. If I remember correctly, that's basically
the way hardware dividers (integer) work. This routine divides a by c,
returns quotient in d, remainder in a. Actually, it might not work, I just
kind of dashed it off, let me know if it doesn't. . .
; divisor in c
push bc
ld d,a ; put dividend in d
sub a ; clear a
ld b,8 ; 8 shifts
l0: sla d ; shift left d
rla ; into a
cp c ;if a >= c, a = a-c, set bit in d
jr c,l1
inc d
l1: djnz l0 ; loop
pop bc