I found Dan Eble's Sieprinski Drawer amongst
the other 86 graphic stuff. I decided I could make it
faster/smaller!...I did =).
The file attached is what I came up with.
The file includes the TI-BASIC version of the program, the
ASM Source, and the ASM program itself.
SeirpinA - Asm program
SeirpinB - Basic program (still very fast,
when compared to the one the TI-86 manual describes)
SeirpinA.asm - The ASM source
The program uses my own routine that puts
random iteration to shame! It's 100% accurate, and is very fast!
(Takes about 0.2 seconds to draw the screen)! In addition, the program
is way smaller! (138 bytes according to windows, 89 bytes according to
windows, 71 bytes according to ASM Studio).
-Dave (aka BIOS)
PS - I'm currently working on the Koch Curve
fractal and the Mandelbrot Set. I hope to have the Mandelbrot Set
released soon, as right now I'm toying with the best way to approach
converting it to ASM. Should I include zoom? The problem with
that is the complexity of working with large decimals on the 86 =(.
Another problem with the mandelbrot set is that it's represented by
differing shades of colour...my problem is...well...obvious =(.