Re: A86: Floating point?
Re: A86: Floating point?
the first byte is the sign byte: $80 for negative, $00 for positive
next follows a word containing the exponent ... the exponent for *10^0 is
$fc00 (*10^1 would be $fc01)
next follow all the digits (converted to hex)
so to put a fp 1 into op1 you would do:
ld hl,that-1
rst 20h
.db $00,$00,$fc,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
>What is the format for flaoting point stuff? and how would i put it into
>is it the standard ld command?
>note: if anyone wants to make this basic command into asm it would help
>note2 this could be alot faster but Im lazy.
>1->D ;in asm 128
>Vert A
>Vert C
>Vert B
>Vert D
>Thanx again!
> (--PsyKabeK--)--)