Re: A86: Sierpinski Problems
Re: A86: Sierpinski Problems
set grfnoaxis,(iy+grfdbflags) ;will take the Axes out
ld hl,_plotSScreen+6;i don't know why the +6 is there? it would depend
on where the Graphs memory starts.
ld d,h
ld e,l
inc de
ld (hl), 0
ld bc,1024
this should clear the graph (something i found in Dux Gregis's work)
i don't know if _clrLCD does affectt he graph but if it does you could
use the same routine except put $fc00 where _potSScreen+6 is
and if i knew what FN was (or what it ment) i might be able to help
>Hello. I'm almost ready to release my Sierpinski Fractal Drawer. It's
>pretty neato, since it uses my own routine that's so fast, it only
>about 0.2 seconds to draw the whole thing! =)
>The one problem, is that if there's any small interference, the whole
>goes outta whack. The main thing is when the user leaves the Axes On,
>not cleared the graphmem, or has left FNON.
>Now the questions:
>Which Flag do I reset in order to disable the Axes?
>How do I prevent it from getting messed up if the user has something
>in the graph screen?
>Does _clrLCD affect the GRAPHMEM?
>How do I turn FNOFF in ASM? Is there a flag to reset?
>Should I just do this stuff in BASIC, and call the actual Sieprinski
>from a BASIC program? (It can't be run from a shell anyways).
>Thanks a bunch!
>P.S. - Should I send what I already have? (Two components: ASM
>131 bytes, BASIC drawer: ONLY 7 LINES LONG!! =), the BASIC program
>spends about 2 minutes drawing the whole thing...It uses my own
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