A86: Sierpinski Problems
A86: Sierpinski Problems
Hello. I'm almost ready to release my Sierpinski Fractal Drawer. It's
pretty neato, since it uses my own routine that's so fast, it only takes
about 0.2 seconds to draw the whole thing! =)
The one problem, is that if there's any small interference, the whole thing
goes outta whack. The main thing is when the user leaves the Axes On, has
not cleared the graphmem, or has left FNON.
Now the questions:
Which Flag do I reset in order to disable the Axes?
How do I prevent it from getting messed up if the user has something drawn
in the graph screen?
Does _clrLCD affect the GRAPHMEM?
How do I turn FNOFF in ASM? Is there a flag to reset?
Should I just do this stuff in BASIC, and call the actual Sieprinski program
from a BASIC program? (It can't be run from a shell anyways).
Thanks a bunch!
P.S. - Should I send what I already have? (Two components: ASM drawer:
131 bytes, BASIC drawer: ONLY 7 LINES LONG!! =), the BASIC program only
spends about 2 minutes drawing the whole thing...It uses my own routine.