Re: A86: check keyboard
Re: A86: check keyboard
that still doesn't explain why you need call / ret. especially for calls
like _ldhlind, which doesn't need to swap pages.
>if port 5 is $0d, then the address is from page d. the page switcher
>takes things like this on page 0:
> call $28cb ;it's $28cb in rom 1.2
> .dw $7236 ;address to call
> .db $01 ;page to call
>it saves the current page, reads the address and page from the return
>address provided by THAT call (which is destroyed on the stack) and, when
>the call returns, it restores the current page and returns to whatever
>called the page 0 call. i hope no one tries to understand that...
>On Tue, 1 Dec 1998 15:56:43 EST writes:
>>In a message dated 12/1/98 15:49:17 Eastern Standard Time,
>>> If they were not calls then no bank info is pushed
>>> onto the stack, and when the routine called exectutes a
>>> return, page 0Dh would not be paged in when control returns
>>> to the ASM program.
>>> Later,
>>> Pat
>>how does the z80 know that an address is from page d? is that info
>>pushed onto the stack as well as the address?
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