Re: A86:Random Integers: _convop1
Re: A86:Random Integers: _convop1
it's wrong.
try it.
upon testing, op1 is loaded into de actually. e is copied in a though,
so it does load op1 into a if it's less than 256. bc will always be
$03e8 and hl will be $c08d after _convop1. any number above 9999 will
cause an "error 13 dimention"
On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 21:38:49 EST writes:
>i dunno about this one. i quote Assembly Studio 86:
>_CONVOP1 Routine
>Loads the integer value of OP1 into AHL.
>Input OP1 = value to load
>Output AHL = integer value of OP1
>Defined in
>_CONVOP1 .EQU 5577h
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