Re: A86: ASM Programming Test
Re: A86: ASM Programming Test
In a message dated 11/30/98 10:12:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
<< I think we should gather together people who
want to do it, and give it a shot! Do you have somewhere we can E-mail
if we're inturested?
I hope you won't just use the list! >>
Since this was my idea, I guess I should have some say as to how it should be
done. :) The best way I can think of doing it is if we got a web page
somewhere, Geocities, AOL, Xoom, Fortune City, whatever, and set up a page
that shows a catalog of all the tests and has some kind of form allowing new
submissions. Basically, each "entry" would consist of the following elements:
1. Name of the Challenge
2. It's difficulty Ranking (As compated to the others)
3. The details of the challenge, the nitty gritty on what the program should
do, what happens when what is pressed, etc.
4. A WORKING .86p file that can be loaded onto a calc or an emulator that
shows what the final result should be.
5. A hint section for when the challengee is stuck
6. A list of references to look at that contain information specific to this
Think it needs anything else? Anyone particularly interested in running this