A86: battery tester
A86: battery tester
i have attached a program that reports your battery levels. please
report to me what number it gives you and what level your contrast (and
sublevel even) is on so that i can normalize a scale. to ME not the
list! it shows how battery power wanes as you use the calc and then
rebuilds when you turn it off a while :) you can even watch your calc
waste pwoer :)
= =
= Kirk Meyer =
= Got ICQ? 17313048 =
= kirkmeyer@bigfoot.com =
= http://www.bigfoot.com/~kirkmeyer =
= =
= "Set your affection on things =
= above, not on things on the =
= earth." Colossians 3:2 =
= =
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application/x-zip-compressed; name="Kontrast.zip"