Re: A86: Rascall Locked problem
Re: A86: Rascall Locked problem
just reset the user define [sqrt]key program so that the calc doesn't check
when _getkey is called.
ld a,(iy+36)
ld (skey_storage),a ;save original flag
res 6,(iy+36) ;disable sqrtkey
at the end of the program, restore the flag to the original form:
ld a,(skey_storage)
ld (iy+36),a
skey_storage: .db 0
In a message dated 8/24/98 2:31:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> [Sorry if you've received this twice..testing a second mailbox
> - Please tell me if you have received this twice!]
> The program that I am writing stores data in a string, of variable
> size. Therefore, each time my program exits it must delete the string
> and create a new one (of the new size).
> To delete the string I am calling _delvar. Am I right in thinking
> that this does not return anything as to whether it was succesful?
> My problem occurs when the Rascall "Locked" option is on. Although my
> program does not crash, the beginning of the data does get corrupted,
> thus causing my program to crash the next time it is run.
> My question is therefore, how do I temporarily disable Rascall's
> locking? (Do I need to temporarily rename a sqrt program?)