re: A86: Attn: Pat
re: A86: Attn: Pat
At 11:09 AM 8/20/98 -0700, you wrote:
>fmtFlags equ 10 ;numeric format flags
>fmtExponent equ 0 ; 1=show exponent, 0=no exponent
>fmtEng equ 1 ; 1=engineering notion, 0=scientific
>fmtHex equ 2 ; 1=hexadecimal
>fmtOct equ 3 ; 1=octal
>fmtBin equ 4 ; 1=binary
Thanks Pat, that helped a lot. I was able to make a program like trigtogg,
which switches which number base you are in. Now, i want to make a prog
that switches between normal/sci/eng modes. The only problem it, i don't
know how to get it back to normal mode after i switch it to sci or eng. Plz
help. Is there another bit that is used for this, or something else?
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