A86: Re: 3 questions
A86: Re: 3 questions
I can only answer one of your questions. I assume you mean subtracting b
from a temp variable, but I could be wrong. Here it is.
ld a,b ;load b into the accumulator
sub (variable) ;subtract the variabl from the original number
ld b,a ;this returns the value to b
variable: ;this is the temp variable
.db 0
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-----Original Message-----
From: BrncAvFan2@aol.com <BrncAvFan2@aol.com>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 5:44 PM
Subject: A86: 3 questions
>It has been a whole day since I asked a question. I have only three easy
>think) questions this time. The first is, how would I subtract a number
>another number. I want to subtract my custom number into my number that
>my sprite move around (b).
>My second is if I were to put two sprites on the screen, would I just have
>do the fastsprite (putsprite) routine once for the two or twice?
>Finally, what is the difference between ANDing, ORing, and XORing it to the