Re: A86: Sorry about that!


Re: A86: Sorry about that!

Programs are automatically compatible with shells.  The format for
descriptions is below:

 nop				; for the title line in shells (ASE)
 jp Start  			; jump to real start of program
 .dw $0000			; used by shell
 .dw ShellTitleText		; pointer to title of the program
 .db "Metroid 86 v0.1b",0	; text in the shell title

Dan Eble and Bill Nigel tried to come up with a file format for programs
using a special loader, but it never happened.  It's at his page.  I think
it's a shame they never succeded.  The format is neat, and it would have
had support for libraries as well.  The file below has the format for
regular TI-86 files:

Scrolling is done with LDIR and LDDR.  I'm not sure if I have the t-states
correct, since I wrote these awhile back:

; Scroll Up:
; 	Scrolls the screen up by moving the memory
; Current total: 12b/21198t (not counting ret)
	ld hl,$fc10			; start at top of screen + 16
	ld de,$fc00			; copy starting at top of screen
	ld bc,1008			; copy all but one row (1024 - 16)
	ldir				; do the copy
	ret					; we're done (wasn't that simple?)

; Scroll Down:
; 	Scrolls the screen down by moving the memory
; Current total: 12b/21198t (not counting ret)
	ld hl,$ffef			; start at bottom of screen - 16
	ld de,$ffff			; copy starting at end of screen
	ld bc,1008			; copy all but one row (1024 - 16)
	lddr				; do the copy
	ret				; we're done (wasn't that simple?)

At 01:29 AM 8/19/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I do have a couple of questions right now (forgive me if this  is
>an obvious one)... Can you do a vertical scroll of the  screen using ldir?
>Also: can that go both up and down? or would it only go  scroll down
>correctly because of the fact that it decrements the address?     Secondly,
>what is necessary to make a program  compatible with ASE or Rascall?   
>Thirdly, where can i get info on a universal file format for  the TI86? I
>heard something about this (possible at Dan Eble's page, if I  remember
>correctly) but i didn't know if it was in widespread use  yet.   Thanks in
>advance   Steve Horne 

David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32
