Re: A86: (Comments about TI - new platforms.. etc.. and stuff)


Re: A86: (Comments about TI - new platforms.. etc.. and stuff)

well, sounds sort of like you want the next TI graphing calc to be an HP.  =)  ok, bare with me while i try to think in the real world . . .

having a piezo speaker would suck.  most of the people who play games on their calcs are playing in school right?  well, if you had a speaker you would have to turn it off anyway.  so why have one in the first place?  an external speaker would be a little more bearable because you could just leave it at home and whenever you had a game that had sound, just plug it in.  and even so, i bet the sound quality wouldn't be worth the trouble.  another thing, how much more memory would adding sound to a game increase?  not just the same music repeating over and over, but a good variety of sounds. 

and a timer?  built in clock?  again, most of us use our calcs in school.  almost everyone in the world has access to a clock within ten meters of him/her at any given point.  =)

anyway, i don't think they were good ideas. =) greyscale, however would be!!

another thing, MSIE does suck!  =)  netscape is much better looking at has a better interface.  crashes a whole let less too!  talking about netscape 4.05.

Matt Johnson wrote:
well, Nagel got a preview 86 because of his ASM work on the 83, he pretty much brought 83 asm to life, so they gave him an 86. But now because of the abundance of GOOD 86 programmers, they didn't give him an 89.  Anyways, regarding MSIE, I like it, but it crashes too much on my system :(  I have IE 5.0 developer's edition, but 4.0 crashed often too.
Hmm.. thats not fair! Hehe.. well actually it is kind of nice how TI helps out people. But they do it in the suddle way. They gave a second DNS server, gave HAL IC author offered a new calc for $10 bucks when there old one got stolen, and they gave Bill Nagel a pre-release version of the 86. I bet Dan Eble got some stuff from TI too, .. umm.. you can tell by the respect he gets from Pat Milheron.


ADVICE:  Don't use Microsoft's Internet Explorer!
ADVICE 2:  Don't accept files from anybody you don't know!!!

Hmm, everytime I have to reformat my hard drive I add new advice!  =)