Re: A86: (Comments about TI - new platforms.. etc.. and stuff)
Re: A86: (Comments about TI - new platforms.. etc.. and stuff)
Skip grayscale, what about color, like the new GameBoys that Nintendo is
going to release soon?
> So if TI is watching.. then we need to add this:
> =20
> Piezoelectric speaker - Yeah! HP has it, why not? Or maybe as an
> addon like a speaker that can snap in
> =20
> Infared port - Sure! Have far transmission, but short reception =
>(but design it so it can easily be changed to recieve signals from far
>away).. or able
> to connect to a USB or something similar.=20
> =20
> Timer - Such as a built in clock. Alarms, etc can be made with
>the =
>piezo and timer combined.=20
> =20
> Better LCD - To blurry, need a faster LCD (Cant wait till 89.. =
>hoped it improved)
> =20
> Grayscale - What the hell... a grayscale interface would be nice.
>Spherical objects with shaded in.. or blending. 4-bit grayscale would
> be superb!
> =20
> --
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