Re: A86: Launch Pad


Re: A86: Launch Pad

When I run "Aurora Shell", it always tries to run a program in the shell.
Very annoying there..

Also, "Aurora Shell" and "ASE" both have the same startup program, so you
couldn't logically have them both on your calc at once.

Where is Iridus?

Watch out, soon we are going to have a system commander to run all the
multiple system commanders to run all the multiple shells. :-)

Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Chicane wrote:

> Hey all, i have just finished coding a "System Commander" Type thing for
> the 86. It will give you the option of launching several shells, and it
> tells you which ones you have on your calc.
> I need some people to test this before i release it.
> Be careful, it is still beta.
> Do _NOT_ run Rascall, when you exit Rascall, it will crash.
> Send all bug repors and comments to
