Re: A86: Wow
Re: A86: Wow
> Also did anyone realize that the
> calculator doesn't clear the memory
> at _asm_exec_ram after the last
> assembly program been run. Anyway,
> everyone probably already knew that,
> and there's probably know way of using
> this useless piece of knowledge.
Yes, I've known this for a while but the only time it's actually
made a difference for me was when I was playing Joltima 86.
It seems Joltima somehow damages itself when run on the 86,
possibly through the way it saves games or by some form of
module-loading. When you go to run Joltima again after
exiting, the calculator locks up and you have to pull a battery
to get back to the homescreen (memory intact). To prevent
this from happening, you have to run another program in
between running Joltima twice in a row so that the calculator
will reload the Joltima into asm_exec.