Re: A86: Re: Re: undocumented instructions
Re: A86: Re: Re: undocumented instructions
Self modifying code might suit that purpose, if the register doesn't
change inside the inner loop (or whatever you're using it for). Just
use this:
ld a,c
ld (FIXUP_LOC+1),a
ld (ix+$FF),b
BTW, can you use IY an asm program without crashing the calc?
David Phillips
Matt2000 wrote:
> >
> >What are you talking about? You can just do this:
> > ld a,(hl)
> > ld (iy+N),a
> >
> It would be a lot nicer if the Z80 allowed the byte offset off of IX or IY
> be obtained from a register instead of an immediate value. That would make
> IX much useful then it is now.
> -Matt