Re: A86: Re: comparing strings


Re: A86: Re: comparing strings

At 11:00 PM 4/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I could just subtract two from the variable length (not counting the vat), if
>you know where I could get that from.  Is it somewhere in the variable, or
>FINDSYM return the length somewhere?  I'd hate to find it by subtracting abs
>addresses in the VAT.
The first word of the var data is the size. It's the same as the word you
use for the corresponding create var call. There's a call (_get_var_size
equ 477Fh) that gets the size of any variable. This should work...

ld hl,name
ex de,hl
call _get_var_size

_get_var_size takes the type in a (returned by _FINDSYM) and the pointer to
the var data in bhl (_FINDSYM returns it in bde). It returns the size of
the variable (in bytes) in de, and the var data ptr in ahl.


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