Re: A86: Re: comparing strings


Re: A86: Re: comparing strings

Wait a minute...  ase shows the length of variables.  I wonder what call Bill used.

Dux Gregis wrote:

> I could just subtract two from the variable length (not counting the vat), if
> you know where I could get that from.  Is it somewhere in the variable, or does
> FINDSYM return the length somewhere?  I'd hate to find it by subtracting abs
> addresses in the VAT.
> Trey Jazz wrote:
> > hmmm i think the only thing you could do is put a weird character at the
> > a 255 then use a loop til it finds that character
> >
> > >What about with an unset number of characters?  Do you know of any call to
> > >find the length of strings, string name in op1 or something like that?
