Re: A86: Interrupt questions
Re: A86: Interrupt questions
Dux Gregis wrote:
> Trey Jazz wrote:
> > >im 1 - jump to $0038 (if maskable) or $0066 (if nmi)
> >
> > wouldnt be of any use really
> What you mean? I've used it a few times..Anyhow, is it possible for us to
> also use the nonmaskable interrupt?
The interrupt at $0038 isn't directly useful but the fact that the programmers
allowed for a jump to ram if certain conditions were met. This allows us to
take advantage of it. The NMI is not useful to us because (a) 66h is in the
mddle of the normal interrupt routine, and (b) nothing is wired to trigger it.
> >
> >
> > >im 2 - jump to (i*$100+v) where v is a value gotten of the bus (in ti
> > >calcs its random)
> >
> > would crash the calc about 999 times outta 1000
No. You can install a table of jumps that will account for every possible
value that can be put on the bus. There's a mail about it a few months ago on
the list.
Stephen Hicks