Re: A86: Useful Information


Re: A86: Useful Information

thanks...  this could be helpful, but i don't see how this could help with asm
programming... (although it might be neat to add them to the conv menu, even
though they're prefixes, say you wanted to convert Gm (gigameters) to
micromiles (not that you ever would, but there are things that aren't in the
CONV menu that are used), you could do 1 m->mi Giga->micro...)

Grant Stockly wrote:

> Hello.  I compilied a list of common abbreaviations for you guys...  I had
> some questions about the negitive incriments.  I hope you save this and
> find it useful!
> Grant
> 10^18   exa     E
> 10^15   pecta   P       (I know, I've heard "peta" too)
> 10^12   tera    T
> 10^9    giga    G       (first 'g' as in "gigantic" believe it or not)
> 10^6    mega    M
> 10^3    kilo    k       (note lowercase from here down)
> 10^2    hecto   h       (not used much)
> 10^1    deca    da
> 10^-1   deci    d
> 10^-2   centi   c
> 10^-3   milli   m
> 10^-6   micro   (greek mu)
> 10^-9   nano    n
> 10^-12  pico    p
> 10^-15  femto   f
> 10^-18  atto    a
> s       second  (time)
> S       siemens (conductance)

Stephen Hicks

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