Re: A86: a question
Re: A86: a question
Thanks :-)
Jimmy Mårdell wrote:
> At 12:33 1998-04-15 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >What's the most efficient way (in terms of speed) of doing something
> >like ld de,(ix+hl)?
> ex de,hl ; 1 cycle, 4 T states
> add ix,de ; 4 cycles, 15 T states
> ld e,(ix) ; 5 cycles, 19 T states
> ld d,(ix+1) ; 5 cycles, 19 T states
> is the most straightforward solution, and probably the fastest
> as well. Maybe you can use some undocumented instructions to
> speed it up. add ix,hl shouldn't be possible though.
> --
> Real name: Jimmy Mårdell
> IRC......: Yarin
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