Re: A86: Interrupts...
Re: A86: Interrupts...
What's this program supposed to do? I don't recognize the call $46bb,
but even still, you don't want to output to the home screen 200 times a
second. After that, why do you use getkey? It doesn't do anything
because you lose the a reg when you pop af, except that it (probably,
I'm not sure about this) clears the the port so that the real getkey
won't detect keypresses. Or does it wait for a keypress? I don't
remember... wrote:
> One thing may help a little.. you need to change the rom page to
> $d before the call and set it back at the end. This screwed me up
> before. you should do this:
> push af ;your code
> push hl
> push bc
> in a,(5) ;added
> push af
> ld a,$d
> out (5),a
> call $46bb ;original
> call $4a33
> call _getkey
> pop af ;added
> out (5),a
> pop af ;original
> pop hl
> pop bc
> That should fix some problems you are having.. :)