A86: Re: Slow 86
A86: Re: Slow 86
ok.... why on earth are you using sprites to do a small font? use the small
font thats on the calc! :) also take out all the crap that loops and checks
for the number to be equal to 10 and use individual strings at the end like:
.db "1",0
then compare the value, if 1 should show up put 1 on, then increase...keep
doin the same thing. i havnt run the program so im not sure if this is
actually what its sposed to do :) hope this helped tho
>i am writing a program to act like a cool little keychain thing i got,
>it plays a billion (118 actually) games, but i am having trouble w/ the
>screen write, it's taking too long. how can i speed it up?