Re: A86: input routine


Re: A86: input routine

On Fri, 10 Apr 1998 12:35:57 -0500 Robby Gutmann
<> writes:
>When I have progs on my calc with the number input routine (either 
>or one im working on right now for imaginary numbers), the input 
>gets corrupted.  I will get a string of hex characters after the 
>prompt, or
>whatever the last BASIC "Prompt" command was.  The routine will still 
>fine, it just looks really gross.  soes anyone know why thats is?

the one that's off of _exec_pg3 (i assume that's the one you're using)
displays a prompt from ioPrompt ($c324).  put a zero or a zero-terminated
string there.  it should work for complex numbers or just about anything.


>Robby Gutmann
>ICQ UIN: 724927      Agonostis on IRC
>Of course, Ankh-Morpork's citizens had always claimed that the river 
>was incredibly pure. Any water that had passed through so many 
>they reasoned, had to be very pure indeed.
>	-- (Terry Pratchett, Sourcery)

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