-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas Oberg <jonaob@algonet.se>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, April 07, 1998 3:17 PM
Subject: A86: Re: Re: String input ROM call?>look at the string prompt source at ticalc.orgI have, thanks. However, Assembly Studio 86 V2.0, which I use, complains about the following:ld (_asap_ind),a ; set for 'inputstring'
Error #201, Label not defined: "_asap_ind"
ld (_cleantmp),hl
Error #201, Label not defined: "_cleantmp"What is missing/wrong? The full source can be found at: http://www.algonet.se/~jonaob/strprmpt.asm
/Tekk "we have all been beginners"