Re: A86: Non-floating point parameters
Re: A86: Non-floating point parameters
On Mon, 06 Apr 1998 02:55:44 -0400 Dux Gregis <>
>Trey Jazz wrote:
>> id like the list of all the error calls
>The following calls invoke a particular error message. They may have
>off a little bit, so if the call gives you the wrong error message,
>try the
>call listed before it in this list.
>_STAT_PLOT equ $4194
this one isn't right.
there's also these:
$412D error 35 AXES
$4130 error 36 FLD-ORDER
$4133 error 34 STAT PLOT
$4163 error 15 if bit 2,(iy+$13) nz MEMORY
$4166 Error 15, no goto MEMORY
$4175 error 20 GRAPH WINDOW
$4178 error 21 ZOOM
$4193 error 33 TOL NOT MET
$4196 error 37 LINK
$4199 error #A
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