Re: A86: KShell - the new shell
Re: A86: KShell - the new shell
Kirk Meyer wrote:
> ATTENTION - / TI-Philes Archivers - please do not add this file
> to your archives yet! it is very buggy and not even worthy of a version
> number. a working version will be available soon, so add it then. thank
> you.
> okay now that we got that over with... this is my humble shell-like program.
> it fixes some problems (IMHO) with TI's programs menu. IMPORTANT! before you
> begin, backup everything on your calculator! also remember that i am not
> responsible for any loss resulting from you using this product!
> load this program into your calculator and run it with "Asm(Kshell" (do NOT
> run it from a shell!!! it might work but don't take chances). as soon as the
> program finishes (it clears the screen) turn the calculator off and back on
> again. now push PRGM and you should see a new patched menu with the
> following options - "BASIC", "ASM", and "EDIT". the BASIC menu contains only
> BASIC programs and the ASM programs. the EDIT menu is the same for now.
> Here's the most likely bugs: first, it probably won't work on ROM version
> 1.3 (but it might). second, even after turning the calc off and back on, it
> might do something weird. i don't even know why the calc has to be turned
> off in the first place but for some reason it does. once you get it
> displaying the programs it shouldn't give you any more trouble.
> Here's what's wrong or to be added: first, i want to get rid of having to
> turn the calc off and back on. second, i want empty menus to be completely
> empty - currently the first choice in an empty menu has a space char in it
> which is sort of dumb. if anyone knows how to display an empty menu please
> e-mail me.
Do whatever you're doing and change the space to a return character ($d6).
> third, i want to fix the EDIT menu also so that it only displays
> editable programs. fourth, right now i think editable ASM programs may show
> up under BASIC and non-editable BASIC programs may show up under ASM. And
> finally "Asm(" is put in for you even if you select a blank option in the
> ASM menu.
Why don't you just execute the program when its menu button is pushed?
> I'll be fixing these problems and if any of you have suggestions then,
> well... it'll go faster.
> Later,
> Kirk
> P.S. Here are some addressed i found while writing this program: calling
> $5420 with a character in A will write that character to the homescreen,
> which is useful in (sqrt)KEY programs. Also, if you have a pointer to the
> beginning of a string or a program in AHL, calling $521D gets the size of it
> into DE and increments AHL by 2.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Name: Kshell.86p
> Kshell.86p Type: TI86 Program (application/x-unknown-content-type-TI86.Program)
> Encoding: base64