Re: A86: Ticklish?


Re: A86: Ticklish?

hmm....  could you post the source?  also, is there any logic in your
naming system?  was there ever a yugi3 or yugi5?

Dux Gregis wrote:

>  Ahh.  I found a new method that's not much of a hack at all.  It
> still doesn't work with 1.3, though.   ??
> Dux Gregis wrote:
>>  Here's a program that puts something at the end of your conv menu.
>> It's an ugly hack, so I won't post the source unless you really want
>> me to.
>> Note: it doesn't seem to work with 1.3 for reasons I am as yet
>> unable to decipher...
>    ----------------------------------------------------------------
> #include "asm86.h"
> #include ""
> #include ""
> _user_menu              equ             $c274
> .org _asm_exec_ram
>  ld hl,data_table               ;move our data table to "user"
>  ld de,_user_menu               ;       menu space
>  call _mov10B
> ;a more efficient beginning
>  ld hl,$5a92
>  rst 20h
>  rst 10h
>  jr c,Install
>  call _delvar
> Install:
>  ld hl,$5a92
>  rst 20h
>  ld hl, code_end - code
>  ld a,b
>  ex de,hl
>  call $4c3f
>  xor a
>  ld hl,code_end - code
>  xor a
>  ld hl,code
>  call _mm_ldir
>  set 6,(iy+$24)
>  ret
> code:
> .db $8e,$28
>  call $479f                     ;pop op1
>  ld hl,$56d8
>  ld de,($c210)
>  call _cphlde           ;check for conversion menu
>  jr nz,end
>  ld hl,conv_menu        ;make it point to our conv menu
>  ld ($c210),hl
> end:
>  ld a,($d625)           ;get saved a register
>  cp a                           ;set z flag
>  ret
> conv_menu:                      ;patched conversion menu datatable
> .db 9,12                        ;       -added 1 entry
> .dw $679c, $67a4
> .dw $67ab, $67b1
> .dw $d7b8, $67bf
> .dw $67c6, $67ce
> .dw $67d6, $67de
> .dw $67e6, entry
> entry:
> .db 5
> .dw _data_tbl
> .db ";-)",0
> code_end:
> data_table:
> .db 8,1
> .dw _data_tbl + 4
> another_entry:
> .db 0
> .db "Hey!",0
> .end
> .end

Stephen Hicks

Follow-Ups: References: