Re: A86: asaps (adding to custom)


Re: A86: asaps (adding to custom)

$4d27  :  checks EOLCNT to see if at end of line.
$8e88  :  shifts result one to the right.
$4c47  : executes basic
$4145  :  invoke Syntax error
$4c9f  : store op1 to Ans

The first one's the only one strictly for parsing.  I know this isn't
impressive, but it might help just a little when dissambling Infstats.

Garcia wrote:

> Could you ost the ones you have so far explaining them?
> A.G.
> >> By the way, I think the Advanced Stat does this.  It makes something
> called
> >> "ANOVA(".
> >
> >Reading the parameters is the only problem.  I'm almost certain that each
> token
> >has to parse it's own parameters (user tokens, at least).  There is,
> however a
> >rather large gap of knowledge when it comes to the parsing calls (~$4c00 to
> >$4d50).  I know a few, but certainly not enough to work the parameter
> action.
> >You're very welcome to try and disassemble some of these calls!  :-)
> >
