Re: A86: recalling x and y vars and storing to b and c to draw a line
Re: A86: recalling x and y vars and storing to b and c to draw a line
In a message dated 97-09-28 15:56:03 EDT, you write:
> how would l do the above?
Um... Why would you want to put them in B and C? Isn't there a CLine call?
If not, and you know that x and y are integers <256, you can say:
call _rclx
call _convOP1 ;Is my case right? dunno... check the include file
ld b,l
call _rcly
call _convOP1
ld c,l
If they're not integers <256 (because maybe the window is not [0,127] by
[0,63]) then you need to scale/translate it by messing around with OP1 in
between the _rclx and the _convOP1 (same w/ y)
~Stephen Hicks