A86: Re: Another ASM question..
A86: Re: Another ASM question..
To get the value of 2 into OP1, do this:
ld hl,_OP1
ld (hl),2
To get the value of OP1 into A do this:
ld hl,_OP1
ld A,(hl)
Someone correct me if I'm wrong about moving it into A.
> From: QmH@aol.com
> To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: A86: Another ASM question..
> Date: Sunday, September 28, 1997 12:18 PM
> How do you store OP1 in for a variable?
> Let's say, I have 2 stored in for OP1. How do you get 2 in for N?
> Thanks,