Re: A86: Sprites
Re: A86: Sprites
Strange... I used the same routines, and even a PutSprite that I wrote in my
test for sprites in my Mario game, and it doesn't display the sprites... I
used Dan Eble & James Yopp's FindPixel routine and the PutSpriteXOR that
Trent Lillehaugen posted (and it looks like you're using the same ones), but
0 into bc, pointed hl to sprite (same format as yours) and called
PutSpriteXOR and it did nothing... Is that what's happening to you?
In a message dated 97-09-27 11:23:20 EDT, Ahmed El-Helw writes:
> Hello Guys - I wonder if anyone can tell me what is wrong w/this ? I
> stored 0 into landy and 0 into landx as a test, but the only way it works
> is ld a,0 ld b,a , same w/c. Why ? Here is the part of the source ...
> Please help if you can!
> ------------------------
> dispLander:
> ld a,(landy)
> ld b,a
> ld a,(landx)
> ld c,a
> ld hl,SHIP
> call PutSpriteXOR
> ret
> ---------------------------
> And here are the sprite routines and the sprite.
> -----------------------------
> PutSpriteXOR: ; Puts a sprite stored at (HL) at B,C
> push bc ; save BC
> push de ; save DE
> push hl ; save HL
> push hl ; save HL
> ld e,b
> ld d,c
> call FindPixel ; NOTE i did not include the FindPixel Routine..
> ;its the one found on this list earlier!
> ld de,$FC00 ; DE points to VID MEM
> ex de,hl ; DE = VID MEM + PIXEL LOC
> pop hl ; HL = PIC LOC
> ld b,(hl) ; get first byte from PIC LOC (width)
> inc hl ; HL = next byte in PIC LOCATION
> ld c,(hl) ; get second byte from PIC LOC (height)
> inc hl ; HL = START OF PIC
> push hl ; save HL
> pop ix ; IX = START OF PIC
> ex de,hl ; HL = VID MEM + PIXEK LOC DE = START OF
> PS_NewRow:
> push bc ; save BC
> ld d,(ix) ; D = next byte of PIC
> inc ix ; IX points to next byte
> push af ; save AF
> push hl ; save HL
> PS_NewCol:
> rl d ; Rotate Left D
> ld e,a ; e = a
> jr nc,PS_NoPixel ; if No Carry then goto NoPixel
> ;************ can be OR or XOR or AND or whatever :) *****
> xor (hl) ; a = a or (hl)
> ;***************************************************
> ld (hl),a ; hl = hl or a (basically)
> jr PS_NextPixel
> PS_NoPixel:
> cpl
> and (hl)
> ld (hl),a
> PS_NextPixel:
> ld a,e ; get A back
> rrca ; rotate right circular
> jr nc,PS_SameByte ; if no carry then same byte
> inc hl ; else HL points to next byte in PIC
> PS_SameByte:
> djnz PS_NewCol ; go to next column
> pop hl
> pop af
> ld de,16
> add hl,de
> pop bc
> dec c
> jr nz,PS_NewRow
> pop hl
> pop de
> pop bc
> ret
> FindPixel:
> ld a,e
> and $07 ; a = bit offset
> ld b,0
> ld c,a
> ld hl,FP_Bits
> add hl,bc
> ld b,(hl) ; b = bitmask for (hl)
> ;56 t-states up to this point
> ld a,d
> rlca ; multiply y by 4
> rlca
> ld l,a
> ld h,0
> add hl,hl ; multiply y by 4 again
> add hl,hl ; because there are 16 bytes in a pixel row
> ld a,e
> rrca ; divide x by 8 (8 pixels/byte)
> rrca
> rrca
> and $0F
> ld c,a
> ld a,b ; now a = bitmask for (hl)
> ld b,$FC
> add hl,bc ; hl -> byte in LCD memory
> ;150 t-states up to this point
> ret
> FP_Bits: .db $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01
> ;-----------------------------------------------------
> .db 8,8
> .db %00011000
> .db %00100100
> .db %00100100
> .db %00100100
> .db %01000010
> .db %01011010
> .db %11100111
> .db %00011000
> ------------------------------------