RE: A86: Tamagotchi?
RE: A86: Tamagotchi?
Yes, but how would it know what time it was when the calc was turned back
on? The only ways are asking the user for the date and time (best way), or
having the program run in the background when the calc is off (major waste
of batteries). There is no internal clock in any of the TI calcs.
Jeff Tyrrill
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Eli.Hunt.
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 1997 11:06 PM
Subject: RE: A86: Tamagotchi?
I don't know that much about asm, but couldn't the program be set to halt
itself when you shut the calc off, that way preserving your batts, and not
dieing while you go between classes or sleep at night, somewhat like the
way a real tamagotchi sleeps all night so you don't have to deal with it.
At 06:29 PM 9/21/97 -0700, you wrote:
>The electricity that keeps the RAM intact is extroardinarily tiny. The
>batteries would last over 200 years if they only supplied power at that
>rate. The batteries last only over 200 hours, though, at the rate the
>calculator is on. The Z80 is NOT executing instructions when the
>is "off"; it is stopped on a HALT instruction, and the
>interrupts are disabled. (I'm not sure whether the device that generates
>the interrupts is disabled or whether the processor is put into a mode in
>which it ignores the interrupts without executing instructions). Running
>the Tamagotchi would require a program to be running, and would be a huge
>waste of battery power.
>Why not just ask the user for the date and time whenever the Tamagotchi
>program is run? Sure, the user could cheat, but that's the user's problem.