Re: A86: Re: TI-86 Robot


Re: A86: Re: TI-86 Robot

 >Cool idea,
> I thought about doing something simular, but becaues of my lack of asm
>programming abilities it never happened. What you really need to build
>is a core unit. Basicly a board with a microcontroler, a bunch of
>relays, and a few input lines. The relays could be connected to anything
>: motors, leds, ect. The relays could be controlled by the
>microcontroller through programming on the calc. Times could be set when
>to turn on or off a relay, or even when a certain condition occures. The
>input lines could simply be an open or closed circut. When its open send
>this signal to the calc, when closed don't or vise versa. That way any
>input device could be connected easly.
> Just a few ideas,
> -Michael

Yes.. exactly

Mel Tsai gave me a few helpful hints. He stresses that I use a
microcontroller, since that does a lot of the
work for me... That is probably the best thing to do. But you could make the
86 a great robotic platform,
people done it for the Gameboy, why not the TI-86? The 86 is faster and has
way more ROM and RAM
then the Gameboy (same processor Z80)...

There are actually three wires for the link port, One is ground, the other
two would be used
for the CLOCK and the other for DATA.

------------________________ CLOCK
|             |________________ DATA
| LINK   |__________
------------                       |

The CLOCK would be controlled by the program, synchronizing both the calc
and the external hardware.

The DATA would be the bits sent, probably a 8-bits for 8 lines or 16-bits
for 16 lines. Then I could have
one of the bits mean "get input", and if this bit is set (bit 7 for
example), the external hardware would send
information BACK to the calculator. That is an idea, I will make a more
detailed "abstract" robotics
schematic in the future (on paper this time) and scan it later...