Re: A86: Re: TI-86 Robot
Re: A86: Re: TI-86 Robot
Cool idea,
I thought about doing something simular, but becaues of my lack of asm
programming abilities it never happened. What you really need to build
is a core unit. Basicly a board with a microcontroler, a bunch of
relays, and a few input lines. The relays could be connected to anything
: motors, leds, ect. The relays could be controlled by the
microcontroller through programming on the calc. Times could be set when
to turn on or off a relay, or even when a certain condition occures. The
input lines could simply be an open or closed circut. When its open send
this signal to the calc, when closed don't or vise versa. That way any
input device could be connected easly.
Just a few ideas,