Re: A86: Down and left arrow bug
Re: A86: Down and left arrow bug
Disabling the interrupts prevents this.
At 09:45 PM 9/19/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I've noticed that when you press the down and left arrow keys at the
>same time on the 86, that it freezes the calc temporarily. It doesn't
>do this on the 85 so I'm assuming this is a bug of some sort. The
>reason this is of concern of course is that that eliminates the
>possibility of games with 8-directional control. (like some of those
>side or top scrolling space shoot-em-up's on the 85). Anyways.. this
>happens no matter where you are in the calc: shell, graphing, and ASM
>programs. The exception is Penguins. What is the deal here? Is this
>because Penguins uses its own function for checking keypresses instead
>of the built in one?
>"Windows95 sucks less... Linux doesn't suck"