A86: Re: Please help, made mistake somewhere.


A86: Re: Please help, made mistake somewhere.

>#include "asm86.h"
>        call _clrLCD
>        ld hl,$0000
>        ld (_curRow),hl
>        ld hl,menu
>        call _puts
>        jp key
>        halt
>        call $5371
>        cp 0
>        jr z,key
>        cp 55
>        jr nz,key
>        ret z
>menu:   .db "1. DEBUT---a first pub"
> .db "lic appearance, as of "
> .db "an actor: a formal ent"
> .db "rance into society    ",0

Try this:
#include "asm86.h"
#include "ti86asm.inc"

.org _asm_exec_ram

        call _clrLCD
        ld hl,$0000
        ld (_curRow),hl
        ld hl,menu
        call _puts

        call $5371
        cp $37
        ret z
        jp keyloop

        .db "1. DEBUT--a first pub"
        .db "lic appearance, as of"
        .db "an actor: a formal en"
        .db "trance into society",0


I'm no expert at programming either, but I noticed that the first and third
lines of you string after the .db were too long.  They were 22 characters
long, but the 86 only has 21 spaces.  So I took out one of the dashes of the
first one, and put the t of entrance on the fourth line, and it seemed to
work just fine for me.

Jesse Celeste
