Re: A86: TI/HP speed


Re: A86: TI/HP speed

On Thu, 18 Sep 1997 16:43:05 -0400 (EDT) writes:
>Eric Esterle writes:
 >hmm. this makes me wonder. do the hp calculators compile thier 
>to make them fast. They run much like ti asm games.
>Russ Hanson

I checked into the HPs the end of last year when I was looking for
something to replace my 85 to use in calc this year.  If I remember
corectly, the mnemonics used in the HPs are a variant of LISP (the AI
language).  This might make some people think that they are programming
the HP in the equivilent of TI-BASIC when in fact they are programming in
assembler.  HP cooked up a proprietary chip, the SATURN, for the HP48
series that has almost an HLL for machine.  Sorta like Java byte-code, if
you know what I mean.


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