Re: A86: Idea for shell/loader standards...
Re: A86: Idea for shell/loader standards...
n X t writes:
> On Tue, 16 Sep 1997 21:31:23 -0400 "Steve Russell"
> <> writes:
> >Anyway, I was wondering if it wouldn't be possible for the shell
> >standard to
> >include a way for BASIC programs to have a description (for display in
> >the
> >shell). I use AShell to execute most all programs, simply because it
> >is
> >more convenient then moving 5-at-a-time through the programs menu (and
> i also have another comment for a 'better' shell.. i have shared this
> with ppl on irc.
> the Shell should be divided by two things, ASM programs and BASIC
> programs. ie.. PRESS F1 to list all ASM programs.. F2 for all Basic
> programs.. etc.. and they should be alphabetized.. if it is possible.
> and there should be a standard as to how to put the title for the asm
> program.. ie only pacman and like one other program shows the "title"
> (PacMan 98 v.blahblah) in ASHELL... some kind of standard should be made.
> ---
> -nXt
> OR:
ACTUALLY, there already IS a standard. How else did Pacman98 know how to do
it. It's posted on Dan Eble's web page. Unfortunately, AShell (even v1.3 or
whatever is the new one) still uses v 0 of that standard:
jp Start
.dw 0000
.dw Title
Title: .db "PacMan 98 v. blahblah",0