Re: A86: Reader
Re: A86: Reader
Joseph Gaffney wrote:
> At 04:33 PM 9/16/97 -0400, Chris wrote:
> >Hmm.. supposedly, the TI86 runs BASIC and a few other things a little
> >slower than the 85 because it has four RAM pages and the Z80 can only
> >work with it in 32k chunks so it has to switch.. but in some ways.. I
> >can't imagine how it could slow it as much as it does. EX: 86 takes
> >about 2 min. longer to do Sierpinski triangle BASIC program. Hmm...
> >You know.. most people at my school still use BASIC games so I guess the
> >purposeful slowdown is possible.. Well... we don't have ROM dumps for
> >nothing. (-:
> >
> I said why basic is slow, not why 86 basic is slower than 85 basic.
> Generally though, the suggestion is, dont use basic =P
also another thing that makes me think that its slowed down on purpose
is because it checks for errors before it executes the program (that is
for a program that hasnt been marked for no errors by the calc) and with
the error checking routines before it, it would take even less time to
check for other errors at run time