Re: A86:


Re: A86:

Jason M. Lichti wrote:

> I really don't know a lot of Asm because I am VERY busy all the time
> with
> work and so forth ( I am sure all of you know what I mean:) ).  Anyway
> this is probally a dumb question, but does everyone know about Bmp2Asm
> ( a
> recently uploaded file to ), which converts bmp's to asm86
> files...  It looks like it does a very good job (GRATZ to the auther
> :))))
> converting the bmp's but I am not sure what to put at the top and the
> bottom, if anything.  And how do you make it a .86p?  Please help if
> you
> have any free time...
> --Jason Lichti

  Wll thanks, but it's not that GREAT of a program.. pretty simple, took
about 5 min.  anyway if all you want to do is display the picture then
do this:

   ld hl,PIC      ; hl points to PIC
   ex de,hl        ; now de points to pic
   ld hl,$FC00 ; hl points to Vid_Mem
   ld b,26       ; 26 lines (you can cut off top an dbottom lines if
they are filler..)
    push bc
    ld b,16       ; there are 16 bytes in each line
    ld a,(de)    ;
    ld (hl),a     ; get byte from pic and copy to vid mem
    inc de        ; increment our de
    inc hl        ; inc our hl
    djnz INextByte
    pop bc
    djnz INextLine

then down here somwhere...

  .db %10001010,%10001101,.....

good luck
Trent Lillehaugen
Computer Engineering Major
California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
