Re: A86: Upgrade ROM?
Re: A86: Upgrade ROM?
At 10:20 PM 9/11/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello. I just got an 86, and not many of the programs I got would work.
>AShell and Iridus don't work, and some games act funny. My ROM is 1.3.
>Everything works fine on my friends calc. His version is 1.2. I think that is
>the problem. What should I do?
I wouldn't trust AShell or Iridus to work on rom 1.3 yet. What games were
causing problems?
>PS: Can I send a backup of the 86 to the computer? (.86b)
that's not in the graphlink software yet, but you can get Dan Eble's get86
and send86 programs from I'm pretty sure it has that feature
Alan Bailey
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