Re: A86: Flags/Libraries


Re: A86: Flags/Libraries

On Thu, 11 Sep 1997, Matthew Johnson wrote:

> Could someone please explain?
> - Cyber Optic
> Start:
> ld hl,$CFAB ;clear texxtmem 2
> ld de,$CFAC ;this puts 0 into the first byte,
> ld bc,136 ;then ldir puts 0 into the following bytes
> ld (hl),0 ;specified by bc
> ldir ;

1. LD (HL),0 puts 0 into (CFAB)
   a. puts (CFAB), which is now 0, into (CFAC), then increments DE and HL
   b. puts (CFAC), which is now 0, into (CFAD), then increments DE and HL
   c. puts (CFAD), which is now 0, into (CFAE), then increments DE and HL

Dan Eble (
